Shoe Anatomy and Prescribing Recommendations

June 23, 2020, 7:00 - 8:30 PM

Presented by Brandon Maggen 

Brandon Maggen's interest in Podiatry started at school when he had ongoing problems with his knees. After many failed attempts at diagnosis and treatment it wasn't until he saw a Podiatrist that the problem with his knee's was found to be in the manner in which he walked. After correctly diagnosing the problem with his gait, a corrective orthotic was made. He never looked back from there.

Over the years he has found a special interest in the feet of children (Podopaediatrics) the way they develop and compensate, in Sports Podiatry - in the cause of and management of gait and other related injuries surrounding ambulation and force-mechanics associated with most types of activities, with special emphasis placed on cause and not just symptom treatment and in Research Podiatry - dealing with the understanding of new information or reviewing previous information - so heavily relied upon for accurate assessment, diagnosis and management of pedal patholgies.