New Third Year Graduate Sign-up

Organization Information

Note: You will be able to add additional office locations after your membership has been approved.

Do you offer home visits?
 Y    N

Profile Information

 BSc Pod Med  
 NHD Pod  
 Hons BSc. Pod  

Registered Providers
 VAC - Veteran's Affairs Canada  
 ND - National Defense  
 CAF - Canadian Armed Forces  
 RCMP - Royal Canadian Mounted Police  
 ADP - Assistive Devices Program  
 WSIB - Workplace Safety Insurance Board  
 ODSP - Ontario Disability Support Program  
 Ontario Works  
 NIHB - Non-Insured Health Benefits for First Nations and Inuit  

Other Languages Spoken
 American sign ASL  

Privacy Information

Date of Birth

Would you like your membership renewed automatically by credit card?
 Y    N

Who can view your profile?
 public    members only    administrators only

Do you give permission to the OSC to share your information with suppliers and advertisers?
 Y    N

Display my email in my membership profile?
 Y    N

Do you want to join the general membership ListServ? (Please note: it takes up to 24 hours to get added to the ListServ)
 Y    N


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