Brandon Maggen, NHD Pod, MSc, PhD, FFPM RCPS (Glasg)


After qualifying, I spent two years setting up podiatry departments for six specialist hospitals after which I entered private practice. There I formed clinical interests in diabetes, podo-paediatrics and biomechanics. Combining these formed the basis of years of research that has allowed me to develop and grow both clinically and professionally. After 18 years of practice, I completed a Masters in Diabetes Medicine. This led to a collaboration with a plastic surgeon and a wound care sister to form an advanced wound care team and centre, as well as a co-editor position for podiatry content for a wound journal. More clinical questions meant finding more answers and so I embarked on a PhD in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

I have also been a strong proponent of our profession and have served on the executive board of the Podiatry Association of South Africa for 18 years, serving a term as its vice-president and two terms as its president. For this I have been awarded a Fellowship of the Faculty of Podiatric Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons.